Poems written by Peter Gibbs over 60 years, inspired by romance, travel, the beauty of nature, emotions and family and friends - peterspoetry.co.uk
Nearly a Has-Beanie
I love my hat called beanie for headgear when it's cold
It keeps my ears protected - important when you're old
It's even got a liner to keep out winter rain
Though Viv may say that's plastic, I rate it still the same
It was upon the car seat when Ken and I returned
From seeing Spurs at Wembley and three points ably earned
But on the next chill morning, when snow lay all around
My happy world was shattered - no beanie could be found
Our Ken he was the culprit - of that I was so sure
I said - please try to find it when freezing turns to thaw
You must have dragged it from the car on getting out your bag
Just have a good search round about - it wasn't such a fag
I waited days for any news, but sadly there was none
My hat that I so treasured has-beanie had become
It was just lost forever - to that I was resigned
But on return to Aston, my titfer I did find
Bedraggled and forgotten, upon the grass it lay
Crumpled, soiled and sodden, although it made my day
With Ken I remonstrated that this was just not fine
Yet he said – “I was offered that, but knew it was not mine”
The moral is a sad one - on some you can depend
But if my hat I lose again, it's not our Ken I'll send.