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Golfer Jane's Hen Night Par-tee


You’re on course now as bride-to be

To Bill, who suits you to a tee.

You clearly liked his straight approach

His birdie scored without a coach.

He’s not so green and far from rough

And engineered from sterling stuff

No doubt, this sporting sort of chap

Thought it was no handicap

To find, like him, you were in thrall

To hammering a wee white ball

No bunker fears when you are wed

A fairway stretches clear ahead

And when the licence you two links

We’ll toast you with a round of drinks.

The wedding feast will soon fly by

A chip or two and wedge of pie,

Sandwiches, a slice of cake

They’re posh this lot and no mistake

We’re sure it will go with a swing

As long as he’s not lost the ring!

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